Bill Campbell for Congress


Why Me:

Uniquely Qualified

My life has served as a training mission for this most critical time. To best proceed forward and change our current negative direction, three requisites exist. I have all three. My opponent, who is a nice man, respectfully has none.

First, the critical skill set. Fiscal Mismanagement is our biggest problem. This problem is the primary cause of Inflation, Debt and biased out of control spending. Rather than political, my extensive experiences were in business, community, and charity, where transparency, efficiency and asset safeguards are mandatory.

Second, I prevent biased decision making and as my CPA oath declares that “I avoid even the perception of conflicts of interest.” This fact and the efficiency preciously stated are why I do not accept donations. You decide what to do with your hard-earned money and I will ensure special interests do not unduly influence decisions.

Third, fairly and respectfully represent everyone. A leader cannot truly represent others if he blames and shames half the people involved and makes loyalty oaths to others. We will not always agree, but I have proven I will always give you the proper respect and consideration.

The first step toward improvement is ensuring all the prerequisites are in place. Allow me to serve as your representative and the first step will be done.

"My objective is to represent You! I avoid even the perception of conflicts of interest." 

Let’s Talk

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We have launched Utah's most unique campaign and plan to achieve the greatest political upset this election cycle.

We welcome anyone that wants to join the fun and make lives better.

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